Living Room Painting

When your home is in need of interior painting, you can trust Blackwell Painting to get the job done with beautiful results. Our interior house painters have over 30 years of experience working as a professional interior painting contractor in Temecula and Murrieta. We have a skilled team of interior painters with the right equipment to complete your job on time.

Our interior painting service offers homeowners throughout the Temecula and Murrieta area a cost-effective way to update their homes without sacrificing quality. Blackwell Painting only uses premium interior paints from trusted brands like Dunn Edwards and Sherwin Williams. Blackwell Painting is a professionally licensed painting contractor.

Call Blackwell Painting, your trusted Temecula painting contractor, today to learn more about our interior painting services.  We’ll be happy to give you a free quote on the cost of your project. It doesn’t matter if you want to schedule painting for a small bedroom or your entire home painting project, our team of Temecula interior painting contractors are ready to serve you check out all of our services here.